under the condor´s fly
Si, el nuevo milagro del codigo libre engendrado en Chile. // yeah, the new free code miracle made in Chile-
Prey te ayuda a encontrar tu laptop enviándote reportes con un montón de información acerca de su paradero actual. Esto incluye el estátus general del PC, un listado de los programas en ejecución y las conexiones activas, información detallada de red y conexión wifi, un pantallazo del escritorio y — en caso de que el laptop tenga una cámara webcam — una foto del ladrón.
Con Prey puedes usar una URL para verificar si el reporte debe generarse o no, es decir, puedes alertar remotamente al programa para que envíe la información desde el momento en que tu laptop desaparezca y no siempre. Puede (y debe) configurarse bajo el usuario administrador, para que así sólo baste que el PC esté encendido y Prey no dependa de una sesión activa de usuario para correr.
Puede que estés pensando “pero de qué sirve este progarma si el tipo probablemente va a formatear el PC inmediatamete” y de hecho tienes razón. Sin embargo, la experiencia dice que los ladrones tienden a mirar los laptops robados en busca de información valiosa, por lo que efectivamente hay una chance de que atrapes al tipo (es más, incluso hay algunos casos de éxito!).
Por lo demás, si usando Prey puedes mantener viva una pequeña esperanza de recuperar el computador, ¿no vale la pena desde ya?
Cómo Funciona!!!
Al instalar Prey, debes configurar una casilla de email y opcionalmente una URL (por ejemplo, http://mipagina.com/laptop_robado).
Prey corre en un intervalo definido de tiempo y revisa la URL definida en la web. Si la URL existe, Prey recopilará la información y la enviará a la casilla que definiste. Puedes no definir una URL y en ése caso el programa enviará la información cada vez que se ejecute.
Obviamente, Prey necesita tener una conexión activa a Internet tanto para revisar la URL como para enviar la información. En caso de que el PC no esté conectado, Prey intentará conectarse al primer punto de acceso Wifi abierto disponible.
Prey helps you find your stolen laptop by sending timed reports to your email with a bunch of information of its whereabouts. This includes the general status of the computer, a list of running programs and active connections, fully-detailed network and wifi information, a screenshot of the running desktop and — in case your laptop has an integrated webcam — a picture of the thief.
Prey can use a web URL to check if it should generate and send the report, so you have a way of alerting remotely the program whenever your laptop disappears. It can (and should) be run as root so it doesn’t depend on an active user session to run, but only on a succesful boot.
You may be thinking “but what’s the point of this program if the guy will probably just format the thing right away?” and you’re completely right. However, experience shows that thieves tend to look in stolen computers for valuable information, so there’s actually a chance you can catch the guy (and there’s even some succesful cases!).
Besides, if by using Prey you can keep alive a tiny bit of hope that you’ll recover your computer, isn’t it already worth it?
When you install Prey, you set up an email address and optionally a URL (i.e. http://mypage.com/stolen_laptop).
Prey runs at a specified interval and checks the URL you previously defined. If the URL exists, Prey will gather the information and send it to the email address you set up. You can also not define a URL and in that case the program will send the data every time it runs.
Of course, Prey needs to have an active Internet connection to send the information. If the computer isn’t connected, Prey will attempt to connect to the first public Wifi access point available.
available in MAC ; LINUX and Windows ver DUDE,
4 free
follow this url -> http://bootlog.org/prey (español and english)
linux/mac http://bootlog.org/downloads/prey-0.2-maclinux.zip
windows ver http://bootlog.org/downloads/prey-0.1-win.zip
always before download , check the site http://bootlog.org/prey
¿what does windows readme say?
# For updates visit prey.bootlog.org
Prey is a small script for tracking your stolen laptop.
It is licenced by the GPLv3 which means you can do just
about anything with it. It runs in *NIX systems and Windows as well.
How it works
The script runs at a specified interval in your machine,
and checks for a specified URL in the web. If the URL exists
it means the computer/laptop has been stolen, and thus
goes through the information-gathering routine and sends
all that info through to a previously defined email address.
You can also not define a URL and in that case the program
sends the data every time it runs.
For Windows users: download, extract and execute PreyConfig.exe.
Fill in all the fields, tick the "Activar Prey" checkbox and then
click on "Activar".
If you ever want to uninstall Prey, just execute PreyConfig.exe again
and untick the box "Activar Prey". You should also delete the key
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Prey" from Windows registry as well.
For Mac & Linux users, just download the package, unzip it and run the
install script:
$ chmod +x install.sh
$ ./install.sh
Note: You should use the full URL in Prey's setup, such as
http://prey.bootlog.org (not just prey.bootlog.org).
Requisites for Linux
Mac comes with everything needed to run Prey. However Linux users should make
sure they have the following installed: (note the installer does this automatically!)
o wget
o traceroute
o scrot or imagemagick (for screenshot capture)
o streamer (for webcam capture) --> in Fedora the xawtv package includes it
o Perl libs IO::Socket::SSL and NET::SSLeay
The idea is that when your laptop gets stolen -- hopefully never, that is --
you should immediately create the URL you specified in Prey's
configuration with some text in it. Prey expects a status code 200 to run.
o Tomás Pollak (bootlog.org)
o Julián Mejio (mehio.co.cc)
o Juan Carlos Mardones (juanmardones.com)
6. Acknowledgements
Prey works thanks to Michal Ludvig's excellent command-line SMTP client
and Axel Bauer's iSightCapture program for capturing pictures on the
Mac. And of course, a bunch of powerful open source utilities!
Command line SMTP client: http://www.logix.cz/michal/devel/smtp/index.xp?show_selected=1&msgid=31
iSightCapture: http://www.intergalactic.de/pages/iSight.html